Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's twenty one two already

Before i had the time to collect my thoughts and review my 2011, the Chinese New Year is already over gosh.

Time passes incredibly fast for the past few years. Hopefully by realising this fact will push me to blog more often, for the sake of memories keep 

I can't remember if i did pen my resolution down in this very space last year. Well, my resolution for 2011 is a job change. More specifically, I need to get out of the public sector. I'm glad i achieved it!

Not an easy process, because venturing out of your comfort zone is always an uphill task. I know I have to leave behind the nice colleagues, the good money and the stability for the better. As much as $$ was good, i had colleagues to lunch and shop with everyday, I wasn't happy. I felt that the job kills my drive in work, my creativity and my hunger for knowledge.

All in all, I need to move on.
And so I did. I can't say i'm exactly in my ideal state now, but I know I will be eventually. Cross my fingers and hope for that opportunity to come sooner!

There are other stuff worth mentioning too!
Like I finally have perfect eyesight with the help of lasik. I would never, and can't imagine, having to wear specs or worse, contact lenses again! Wearing contact lenses suck.

Like how i finally became a certified diver and be introduced to the world new fabulous world of the deep blue sea. I've always been drawn to the beauty of the blue waters on the screen but it's out of the world experience when you get to suit up and swim beside the nature. I'm glad I picked up diving.

Enough said about 2011.

I always thought resolutions should NEVER be a list consisting of "live healthily", "be happy", "love more" and what nots. Because these are part of our life, not resolutions waiting to be ticked off!

So, here comes my resolution for 2012..... TO LEARN HOW TO COOK!

I'm sucha fail noob when it comes to the wok and pans. I've never fried an egg in my life! My most awesome meal so far are instant noodles so i need to make a change. Direly.

I have a feeling I will enjoy cooking. I love food, i love company. So cooking will bring me to both!

Cheers to a great year (of dragon) ahead!

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