Friday, September 10, 2010

a memorable one

Even if i do not blog about this, i will still remember my 23rd birthday twenty years down the road. Maybe not the  details, but i'm sure as hell i'll wont forget i broke my arm on this birthday hiak hiak.

My birthday didn't start out on the right footing.

My irritating student canceled our session night before, and poor me had to wake up early ON MY BIRTHDAY for tuition. Being irritating, he overslept and had me waiting outing like an idiot for 15 mins. Bad start of the day.

And then, my estate just had to carry out fuming exercise to eradicate mozzies on this day. When there's fume, cockroaches ran for their lives, towards the lift lobby. I witnessed at least 7 of them - all sizes, crawling around, some flying and others, stationary. My soul almost left my body i tell you.

My turn to run for my life to the playground, where there are brave kids around chasing away the roaches. I rang weiren telling him i can't go home, that i need him to save me. (i really wasn't kidding when i say that). He was in the middle of sets in the GYM, he cant breathe and asked me to take the steps instead.

No choice, took the stairs, praying with all my might i dont encounter any of the black monster. Luckily they hadn't ventured so far out yet.

I was so relieved to be locked at home with oreo beside me, totally clueless what i rumbled on and on about "kar kar"

Fastforward to sentosa, wavehouse. Boy! Wednesdays are the best days to play, for it is 0ne-for-one, even the food!

We chilled, tanned at the pool while waiting for our turn. Ahhhh...Uber relaxing.

When the time's up for some waves, we joined the que along with 2 locals and loads of angmohs. The locals taught us the rope, while the angmohs were so spontaneously cheering us on.

Riding on waves was so damn fun! It looks so babyish on the surface but the waves are actually damn strong. Yes, strong enough for my arm to be dislocated.

I panicked when i felt something weird. I was scared and i whispered to wr when we were moving off to bathe. He exclaimed when he saw how strange my arm look. I think it must have looked painful because his face turned green.

I sat down, listening to alot of instructions at the same time, including an angmoh physiotherapist who's a tourist. Like whats the odds of bumping into a physio after dislocating your arm??

Somehow, my arm went back to its original position seconds later. I felt my bone moving back, pardon the grossness.

So everyone cheered again, and we went off to eat potato wedges, before heading home for programme part 2.

Melt~The world cafe @ Mandarin Oriental

Heard from many about how good the buffet is. The conclusion? Indeed! But pricey. 68++ per pax, but that's excluding 15% discount if paid via credit card.

I know i look ridiculously normal in that photo, but believe me, my shoulder hurts throughout the night. I was icing the shoulder and eating crayfish at the same time, didn't bother the glances thrown by those around me haha.

wr asked me if i would still go ahead as planned should i know this will happen. YES OF COURSE! :D

Though i need to visit a doc, had my arm xray-ed, multiple trips to the physio, i'm not regretting! I'm fine now, and that's all it matters.

Psst..i will prolly go back again soon! Without breaking any of my limbs of course :p

p/s: the roaches were still lurking in the lobby lift when i reached home. Like at least 4 of them.

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