No thanks to bro for neglecting this space. His laptop crashed right after IT show ended, so being the nice lil sista, he survived using my laptop for weeks.
I'd wanted to blog about my vuvuzela/WC withdrawal symptoms, and how much i've enjoyed myself during the 1 month period. You can say my virgin soccer bettings (and of course the winnings $$!!), paul the ridiculously famous octopus, the Spaniards and 2.30am matches contributed to my enthusiasm.
The bf also decided to jump on the bandwagon and got himself a Spain away jersey. My bro has the home jersey so you can imagine how silly they look when they each donned their jerseys, cheering for Spain during the finals. I should have captured it!
Boys~ -.-
As per subject, my fitness has taken a huge step back. I am exceptionally prone to injuries this year, resulting in my inactivity. I spent a good 5 months beginning of this year seeking TCM treatment for my upper back. To be honest till now i have no idea what causes the sharp pain, so bad that it affects my daily life. I think the doc mentioned something about my muscle disintegrated, leading to blood clots and whatever.
I think i spent at least 1K on treatment and medicine lar!
And then i fell. and fell.
Now, i'm suffering from a sprained back. wr and i suspect it arises from the back stretches that i did. Whoever can guess such a harmless stretching can lead to back injury?!
This further confirm that 2010 isn't my year for why the hell did i sign up my virgin marathon for!?!?
I doubt i can even complete shape 10km run next sunday, given my current state!
Okok..maybe its a self fulfilling prophecy..there's absolutely nothing wrong with my health in 2010. :D
To prep myself for the marathon, i invested in a new running shoe - Asics DS trainer 15!!
I can't wait to break into the shoe and start clocking mileage in it!
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